Sunday, January 29, 2012

dr. snowman

we finally experienced some true midwestern winter.  our landscape has changed to a snowy playground and thankfully the temps have stayed fairly warm-ish so the snow can be enjoyed.  i love that the kids can get fresh air on a daily basis rather than be stuck inside to avoid losing fingers or noses due to frostbite. 

the milder temps has provided snow that actually packs together and so dr. snowman has come to life:

the eldest named him. stating he looked like a doctor.  (side note:  we have never been to a doctor that sports a mustache and smokes a pipe)

miss j has been asking each day to make some "snow friends" for the good doctor.  we may need some fresh snow to accomplish this though. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

what i missed

so December was a pretty happenin month in our household.... and i missed blogging about most of it ;) 
so a little re-cap is in order:

first up is this girls b-day.  she's SEVEN.  she is fabulous. she is truly a sweetheart.  she is sensitive and caring to the underdog (however her 3 year old sister is NEVER the underdog. ever.)  she loves candy and sweets and dislikes green veggies.  she loves legos. i made her a giant chocolate chip cookie on her birthday.

then we have miss baby's b-day.  she is two. a baby no more (big sniff)  she is a darling.  sweet and adorable.  she talks like she is a grown up in a two year old way (can't explain that very well!)  she is hooked on junk food and refuses most healthy foods.  she is quiet and sneaky and gets into my sugar pot on a weekly basis.  she loves to watch the "12 Dancing Princesses" Barbie movie and dances around with her sister's black ballet flats on.

and then a plethora of wonderful Christmas parties with too many pictures to even begin picking and choosing a few to post.  so i go with none. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

the resolution bandwagon

i'm hopping on....

my goal list for 2012:

January -  restock my card stash
                really really clean my fridge/freezer
February - stop avoiding and actually read  my copy of Crazy Love by Francis Chan
                figure out a filing system i can maintain and take care of the paper mess
March -  scrapbook at least 5 layouts
               clean out the storage area in the utility room (i'll have to be sure to take a "before" picture, yikes!)
April - do 2 projects i have "pinned" from Pinterest
         - paint the back porch and steps
May - read 2 novels from my list of "books i want to read"
         - clean out at least 1/3 of the garage (another one to have a before picture of!)
June - run 5 miles in one workout
         - finish the front porch project
July - go "screen free" two days a week (no computer or tv)
       - ruthlessly clean out the girls' closets
August - keep a daily journal
            - clean out another 1/3rd of that garage
September - try to can or preserve something i haven't done before
               - ruthlessly clean out our closet
October -  try 4 new recipes
             - finish the garage
November  - actually be organized for Christmas this year and make the gift ideas and to do list
                  - back up my pictures and empty my camera card
December -  make a reusable daily calendar to start in the upcoming year
                - clean out the attic

MAYBE since i posted this on here for the world (or the 10 or so people that read my blog) to see, i will be more likely to complete this list.  some are for sure more lofty than others, some will be quick, some require A LOT of work.
or MAYBE i will be like the majority of other "new year resolution" makers and fall right back off the resolution wagon. 
MAYBE i will regret the day i posted this
MAYBE i will be so motivated to see things being completed i'll finish my list early
maybe maybe maybe
MAYBE i will
MAYBE i won't

and MAYBE if i care to share my successes or failures i will post each month (or so) on how i'm doing on this list.  we shall see.

i leave you with this fabulous picture of my kids: