Sunday, July 11, 2010

Super Seven....

Miss Baby is 7 months old....   (i {heart} this age! can i freeze time now please?)

big things happening lately:
~ she has another tooth coming in (the other front bottom one)
~ she is army crawling and starting to get up on all fours and rocking... (if there is something she sees on the floor that she wants, she will get it)
~ she is super grabby... pulls my hair and skin constantly when i hold her and as evidenced in the picture above, she will grab at anything that catches her little eye
~ she started eating solids (why do they call baby food "solids"??? they are anything but that)  she loves bananas and sweet potatoes so far.  she does NOT like rice cereal.  makes her gag.
~ she loves being outside and will contentedly play for quite awhile on the deck in her super cool vintage play pen i found at a second hand store.

~she loves bath time... i love all her chubby rolls :)

1 comment:

  1. Onita - She is absolutely adorable!! I'd love to pinch and hug those little rolls. Thanks for keeping us updated through your blog about your family. Precious sister - your family is amazing!! Love you!!


I {heart} your nice comments