Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 things i {heart}

my lack of picture taking lately leaves me to trying to think of other things to post on my blog.

for prosperity sake (really? probably not) i will note the top 5 things that have my attention lately (well, aside from the everyday stuff like my kids/hubby/house,etc...)

1.)  running.  (WHA????) yep, running folks.  this from a girl who was a self-proclaimed non-runner and would intentionally slow down her pace in high school when running the mile so she would never have to run the 1 1/2 mile.  currently i am up to running 2 1/2 to 3 miles a day.  so no marathons or anything and i'm not super fast by any means but i feel pretty good about it and love the burst of energy it has been giving me. woot for running! (who knew?)

2.) fashion.  shocker to those friends and family who knew me long ago right? not really.  my mom teased me about changing my clothes ump-teen times a day as a little girl and i LOVED to shop with her (even just to the grocery store) i have always loved clothes and fashion and shopping.  having babies and one income kind of put a damper on that for awhile but recently i have rediscovered my love for fashion and clothes.  finding a personal style and feeling comfortable and confident in what i am wearing is awesome! something that fuels my fire for this (a.k.a. something i spend WAY too much time looking at each week) is this weekly blog linky party:  and while i have no plans to participate in such things i do find myself running off to my bedroom to dig through my closet and try different outfits on. 

3.) thrifting.  this goes somewhat hand in hand with the above.  i have discovered the fun of "thrifting" (especially for fun vintage items) but it's a good thing there aren't too many "Goodwill" stores nearby.  we would only have beans to eat then since i would be using up our grocery money on all those great finds! this stems farther than just clothes though (actually the thrifting for clothing is a very new practice of mine... i've done it, umm, twice now i think? and i probably still prefer to just shop sales at regular stores) it started with looking for things for my house.  i really really really love vintage things. really. my most recent vintage find that i am in love with:
a little floral tea tin by Daher (here is a link to similar on Etsy cause i am too lazy to take a pic of it and upload it:  it's adorable and came home with me for only $1 :)

4.) Echo Park Paper Co.
seriously cute kits for scrapbooking.  in the last few months i have gotten the "Walk in the Park" and the "Life is Good" kits but have my eye on several others. 

5.) Pretty Little Studio 
related to scrapbooking again, i came across this company a couple months ago through another blog i follow and totally fell in love.  not a big surprise when you see that they are all about adorable vintage images and classic patterns. mmmm, lllloooovvve. and the BEST part of all this???  i entered one of their giveaways and WON! yay me! i won the entire "April Showers" collection and it should be arriving at my door next week sometime.  made. my. day.  can't wait to use it :) 

so that is all for now.  time to go hop on the treadmill before naptime is over :)

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