this girl is so full of life. her smile lights up the room and she does everything with gusto. if i could bottle up a 10th of her energy my house would be spotless each day and all those projects on my list would be finished. she makes me laugh every day. happy 3rd birthday my awesome, super, cool, pretty, sweet girl (she claims that she is not any of those things... "I not awesome. I not cool.")
at this stage in her life she loves to sing (at the top of her lungs of course). her favorite songs: "Jesus Loves Me" and "Old McDonald" she loves her tot church class on Sundays and this past year attended "Little Lambs" class while I went to Coffee Break Bible Study and absolutely adored it. we are working on the potty training thing. i warned her that 3 year olds do not wear diapers except for sleeping and so far we have pretty much held true to that. we have only had 1 or 2 accident free days yet though. she knows how to count to about 12 and can recognize numbers 1 - 10 written out. she recognizes all the letters of the alphabet and knows all her colors. she is still a pip squeak (cause the little bit that i do manage to get her to sit still and eat gets burned off within minutes)
her beautiful smile |
perpetual motion |
party guests (miss baby looks like she's takin' out g-ma D with an elbow side shot, lol) |
aunt renee hearts miss j too.